How to use prepositions of place, time & movment?
PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE A preposition of place is used to refer to a place...
Free learning resources for Cambridge English Language exams divided into CEFR levels.. Useful exam tips, articles, grammar and exercises.
PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE A preposition of place is used to refer to a place...
SOME & ANY “Some” and “any” appears before uncountable nouns and countable in...
DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS Demonstrative pronoun points towards the noun it replaces, indicating it...
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Give it a try!AFFIRMATIVE FORM Present Perfect consists of the conjugated auxiliary verb to...
SUBJECT PRONOUNS Subject pronouns are used as grammatical subjects in a...
INFINITIVE WITH “TO” An infinitive in English is a verb in...
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Give it a try!AFFIRMATIVE We form the Past Simple sentences by using the verb...
Form Indefinite article has two forms: a and an. a – we use before...
GENERAL INFORMATION The adjective is a part of speech answering questions:...
ADVERBS’ DIVISION An adverb is a part of speech answering questions:...
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Give it a try!AFFIRMATIVE FORM In Present Simple Tense, the verb is in its...
CREATING PLURAL NOUNS Most nouns in English are countable nouns. They...
CARDINAL NUMERALS A cardinal numeral is part of the sentence which...
THE AFFIRMATIVE FORMS The verb in Present Continuous consists of two...