Free Practice Tests (Online) | C1 Advanced (CAE)

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C1 Advanced (CAE) Practice Tests Online: Use of English
What’s in Part 1?
Part 1 consists of a text in which there are eight gaps. Each gap represents a missing word or phrase. The text is followed by eight lists of four words or phrases, each list is assigned to a gap. Candidates have to choose which word or phrase in the set fills the gap correctly.
What’s in Part 2?
Part 2 consists of a text in which there are eight gaps. In this part, as there are no sets of words from which to choose the answers, candidates have to think of a word that will fill the gap correctly.
What’s in Part 3?
Part 3 consists of a text containing eight gaps . At the end of some of the lines, and separated from the text, there is a stem word in capital letters. Candidates need to form an appropriate word from given stem words to fill each gap.
What’s in Part 4?
Part 4 consists of six questions. Each question contains three parts: a lead-in sentence, a key word, and a second sentence of which only the beginning and end are given. Candidates have to fill the gap in the second sentence so that the completed sentence is similar in meaning to the lead-in sentence. The gap must be filled with between three and six words, one of which must be the key word. They key word must not be changed in any way

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What’s in Part 5?
Part 5 consists of one long text, drawn from a variety of sources which include fiction. The text is followed by six 4-option multiple-choice questions which are presented in the same order as the information in the text so that candidates can follow the development of the text.
What’s in Part 6?
Part 6 consists of four short texts, on a related theme, followed by multiple-matching prompts. In total, there are four questions. Candidates must read across texts to match a prompt to elements in the texts.
What’s in Part 7?
Part 7 consists of one long gapped text from which six paragraphs of equal length have been removed and placed in jumbled order after the text, together with a seventh paragraph which does not fit in any of the gaps. The text is usually from a non-fiction source (including journalism).
What’s in Part 8?
Part 8 consists of one or two sets of questions followed by a single page of text: the text may be continuous, or divided into sections, or consist of a group of short texts. In total, there are 10 questions and four to six options.

Practice Tests Online
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C1 Advanced (CAE) Practice Tests Online: Listening
What’s in Part 1?
Part 1 consists of three unrelated short texts. These texts are approximately 1 minute in length and involve two speakers. Texts are taken from a wide range of real-life contexts and, therefore, contain a correspondingly wide range of topics, voices and styles of delivery. There are two 3-option multiple-choice questions on each text.
What’s in Part 2?
Part 2 features an informational monologue of approximately 3 minutes in length. Texts typically take the form of talks, lectures or broadcasts, aimed at a non-specialist audience, and are delivered in a neutral or semi-formal style.
What’s in Part 3?
Part 3 features interviews and discussions, involving two or more speakers. The text is approximately 3–4 minutes in length and typically takes the form of a broadcast interview or discussion aimed at a non-specialist audience.
What’s in Part 4?
Part 4 consists of a series of five short monologues on a theme. The text is 3–4 minutes in length with each monologue lasting approximately 30 seconds. The monologues represent spontaneous speech, delivered in an informal spoken style by speakers with a range of backgrounds and voices. There are two
parallel multiple-matching tasks, each with a different focus. In each case, the correct option has to be chosen from a list of eight.