Use of prepositions after verbs, adjectives & nouns – part 2
More of verbs requiring using concrete structures:
accuse sb OF | My boss accused me of laziness. |
beg FOR | He begged for forgiveness, but she was unrelenting. |
blame sb FOR | I don’t blame you for what happened. |
compare sth WITH | Don’t compare me with Peter. He’s a genius! |
concentrate ON | Stop singing! I’m trying to concentrate on my I homework! |
congratulate sb ON | I congratulated him on passing all his exams. |
insist ON | She always insists on doing it herself. |
prepare FOR | Are you prepared for the worst? |
rely ON | I can always rely on my husband. |
search FOR | She searched for the missing passport everywhere. |
succeed IN | He succeeded in making everyone unhappy. |
suffer FROM | The prisoners were suffering from malnutrition. |
suspect sb OF | I suspected him of stealing my phone. |
Other adjectives and prepositions used after:
ashamed OF | It’s nothing to be ashamed of. |
aware OF | He wasn’t aware of the problem. |
capable OF | She’s capable of anything. |
delighted WITH | The little girl was delighted with her present. |
fed up WITH | I’m fed up with your apologies! |
fond OF | My brother is very fond of my children. |
frightened OF | I was frightened of the dark as a child. |
keen ON | My parents are very keen on golf. |
nervous ABOUT | She was nervous about sitting behind the wheel after the accident. |
ready FOR | Are you ready for the trip? |
suspicious OF | She became very suspicious of men. |
tolerant OF | Are Europeans tolerant of ethnic minorities? |
typical OF | It’s so typical of my sister to spend money and then come to me for a loan. |
Some of the nouns requiring using concrete prepositions as well:
cause OF | What was the cause of the explosion? |
demand FOR | Is there a demand for photographers in the region? |
increase IN | Has there been an increase in volcanic activity in the past years? |
invitation TO | Thanks for the invitation to your birthday party. |
key TO | Hard work is the key to success. |
reason FOR | What are your reasons for buying this model? |
solution TO | There’s no solution to this problem. |