Report – examples & model answers | C1 Advanced (CAE)
A report is usually developed for a superior (e.g. a teacher) or a peer group (e.g. members of an English club). The question identifies the subject of the composition and the areas to be covered. Candidates must provide some factual information and make recommendations, but there is space for them to incorporate their own ideas and experiences.
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CAE Report Example: Charity
At the college where you study English, you recently organised a special day to raise money for charity. The Principal of the college has asked you for a report about the day. In your report, you should outline what activities were organised, evaluate the success of the day and make suggestions for future fundraising events.
Write your report.
The principle aims of this report is to provide information about The Chariety Day which took place on the last Sunday. It was organized to support The Centre for parentless children in Chicago.
The purpose of the event was to raise money for the CPC. Visitors could try numerous activities they might not have a chance to try normally. Activities offered included:
• horseback riding
• curling
• golf
• fencing
and many other.
It made us very happy that all all the people who came could find something they liked. Either adults accompanying their songs and daughters or children just entering an elementary school had a lot of fun. The most favoured activity was definitely curling. Visitors of all ages kept coming and purchasing tickets allowing them to participate in the game.
A group of people willing to donate money to the CPC is also hoeld for to be a great success since The Charity Day’s aim was to support the CPC as much as possible.
Although As far as reaching the day’s target is concerned, I must state that the event was has been the most successful fundraising action at our school this year. However, not everything went well during the day. Plans were not thinking about the possibility of rain and when it began to rain in the morning, it seemed just a few people would turn up and have fun in at the playground of the school. Fortunately, it stopped 20 minutes later and the weather was pleasant for the rest of the day. Therefore, both dry and wet scenarios have to be designed next time
Subscale | Grade | Commentary |
Content | 5 | All of the content is relevant to the task. The target reader is fully informed about all aspects in the task: the activities arranged, an evaluation of the day and suggestions for future events. |
Communicative Achievement | 3 | The conventions of a report, such as a neutral tone throughout and clear headings, are used effectively to hold the target reader’s attention and clearly communicate the specific aspects of the task, outlining the activities, evaluating the success of the day, making suggestions for future events. |
Organisation | 3 | The text is well organised and coherent. There is a variety of suitable cohesive devices and organisational patterns such as sub-headings, punctuation and bullet points, which are used to generally good effect. |
Language | 3 | A range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, is used appropriately. A range of simple and complex grammatical forms is used with control and flexibility. There are occasional errors, but these do not impede communication. |
After the event I organised with the other school representatives, in order to raise funds for charity, it can be said that it was a success. This even made a really good image for the school, even because most of the students came.
The event took place last saturday afternoon, and every member of the school was invited with the family and friends who desires to participate. Being close to the Christhmas period we organised invited people to bring clothes, toys, books and everything they would like to donate to less fortunate people. All those things were then given to me as a charity associati association that help people of the city and even of other countries such as Romania and Brazil.
Af Beyond of this we even sold creative christhmas object that two classes made during a workshop in the last month. For entertaining everybody with something useful two associations and a society and the other one came to present themselves and their activities. After this people were free to make offers and the amazing thing is that most of the participants gave us donated something.
This day shoud to be considered a real success because of the high number of people who came, which is around 500 five hundreds. The positive thing is that every b everyone participated actively and happily in a way I have rarely seen. Many objects and money moneys were donated and this improved the life of many people with little effort.
Concluding I suggest to do this event every year around the Christmas Christhmas period bea because is a way of doing something positive in an easy and happy way. Not only because many people came, but also because we helped many unlike families.
Subscale | Grade | Commentary |
Content | 5 | All of the content is relevant to the task. The target reader is fully informed about the points in the task. There is information about the activities which took place, an evaluation of the day and suggestions about future similar events. |
Communicative Achievement | 3 | The conventions of a report, such as a neutral tone throughout, are used effectively to hold the target reader’s attention. There is a reflective tone, and functional language is used to describe and evaluate the events on the day.Straightforward and some complex ideas are communicated. |
Organisation | 2 | The text is well organised and coherent. Although there are no headings, which are usually used to organise a report, the sections are clearly introduced and focus on one aspect of the task at a time. There is a variety of linking words and cohesive devices, but there is some awkwardness at times, for example the first line of the text. |
Language | 2 | There is a range of vocabulary used appropriately for the task. A range of simple and complex grammatical forms is used with control. Errors are present, including tense control and plural agreement, but these do not impede communication. |
CAE Report Example: Language programme
You have just finished a three-week study and work programme in an English-speaking country. You studied English language in the mornings and worked for a local company in the afternoons. The programme organiser has asked you to write a report about your experience. In your report, you should evaluate the programme, explaining which part of the programme was more useful, and suggest changes you would recommend for next year’s programme.
Write your report
Report on the three-week study and work programme
The purpose of this report is to evaluate the effiency of the three week study and work programme. It is based on my personal experience, which I recieved while taking part in the aforementioned programme.
General Findings
The programme as a whole was very engaging and helpful. As it took place in the language environment, many aspects of the English-language, which will not be taught in the class room, could be learned through this programme.
Points worthy of praise
The programme has found many buisnesses, with which they cooperate, therefore I could choose between many companies in which to complete the work part of the programme. While working for a company I learned a substantial amount of phrases and other jargon specific to that field, which makes the programme very useful, should you manage to be employed by a company, which deals with a subject you are interested in.
No issues can be raised about the work part of the programme. However the English classes that take place in the morning offer no substantial benefit over classes taken in my home country, even if they are taught by a native speaker.
Firstly the organizer of the programme should increase the amount of time, that is spent working during the programme and reduce the amount of classes taken. Moreover the organizer should keep finding more companies with which to cooperate, to make the programme attractive to more people with different intrests.
Subscale | Grade | Commentary |
Content | 5 | All content is relevant and the target reader is fully informed. The candidate addresses the question and evaluates the usefulness of the programme, compares the benefits of the lessons and the work experience, and finally suggests what could be done to improve the programme. The report is written from a personal perspective, using the candidate’s experience to inform the reader. The recommendation reflects this but also adds a more general suggestion. |
Communicative Achievement | 4 | The text uses the conventions of report writing to communicate ideas effectively. There is good use of a title and sub-headings, each section is focused on one topic. There is a range of language of evaluation, comparison and suggestion which is used to fulfil all the communicative purposes of the task. The target reader’s attention is held and both straightforward and more complex ideas are expressed using an appropriate tone and register. |
Organisation | 4 | The text is a well-organised and coherent whole. Good use is made of appropriate organisational patterns for the genre in terms of layout, such as sub-headings and the order of information, with general points being mentioned before specific ones. A variety of cohesive devices, relative clauses and referencing are used to connect the ideas across and within sentences. The structure of the report overall is clear and logical. |
Language | 2 | There is a range of vocabulary which is used appropriately to describe the programme and how the candidate feels about it. Certain points are paraphrased rather than repeated, showing a flexible approach to language. There is a range of simple and some complex grammatical forms used with control. The overall tone of the report is quite formal and this is in part achieved by the choice of expressions and the use of passives and modals. There are some errors, but these do not impede communication. |
CAE Report Example: Education
An International research group is investigating attitudes to education in different parts of the world. You have been asked to write a report on education in your country. Your report should address the following questions:
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of education in your country?
- What educational developments would you like to see in your country in the future?
Write your report
The Education System in Italy
The purpose of this report is to give a brief overview of the current education system in Italy, its strengths and weaknesses, and to make some recommendations for the future.
All state schools in Italy work to a broad-based curriculum, in which students study a wide range of subjects until the final year of compulsory education. This gives students a more balanced education than is the case in countries where pupils are obliged to specialize in fewer subjects at an earlier age. In addition, emphasis is placed on continuity of teaching, so that teachers may often work with the same class for several years.
Teachers in Italy are recruited on the basis of national lists, rather than by individual schools. This often means that a teacher from one part of Italy may be forced to accept a job in another region, or lose their place on the waiting list. As a result, teachers often have little personal loyalty to their colleagues or their superiors. In addition, teachers are paid according to a national scale rather than on merit, and once in place are practically impossible to remove. This means that teachers have little motivation to do more than the bare minimum required or develop professionally. Many teachers, indeed, have second jobs which they perform after school hours.
In the future I would like to see more autonomy given to individual schools over recruitment. In this way, a head teacher would be able to select the teachers according to the real needs of the institution. They should also have the power to sanction and ultimately remove unsatisfactory teachers and reward merit