Report- examples & model answers | C2 Proficient (CPE)
CPE Example Report: Jobs fair
A jobs fair was recently held in your town for international organisations and companies to promote careers available for young people. You have been asked to write a report of the jobs fair for your college website. You should briefly describe the event and identify two or three promotions of particular interest and relevance. You should also evaluate the extent to which such events can open young people’s minds to new challenges and career opportunities.
Write your report.
Jobs Fair
Recent Jobs Fair
Last weekend there was a Jobs Fair in the Town Hall. Over 100 different international companies and organisations had stands giving information about the careers they can offer young people. There were plenty people on each stand to answer questions and to give advice and there was also a wealth of promotional literature available, The Fair also arranged a series of work-related talks, films and other events in the course of the weekend.
Promotions of particular interest
All in all it was an excellent event. There were two stands that I personally found particularly interesting and relevant. The first was one promoting opportunities for language teaching abroad. This is something that I and a number of fellow-students have been seriously considering. We were able to find out there about what qualifications we would need, what kind of working conditions we could expect and where there might be interesting vacancies for us to apply for.
The second stand that drew my particular attention was one for a charity offering young people opportunities to gain experience of other countries and cultures while helping on a range of voluntary projects abroad. These projects included medical, environmental, construction and educational work in a number of different countries. I was able to talk to several young people who had already participated in such work and gained a very positive impression of the benefits of taking part.
Value of such events
In my opinion such events are of great benefit to young people. They inform us about opportunities that we might not otherwise have known about. They expand our horizons in terms of what we can aspire to. Several of my friends, for example, left the event feeling that their career plans had been transformed by what they have discovered during the Jobs Fair. We all agreed that our eyes had been opened to new opportunities in a very valuable way.
Subscale | Grade | Commentary |
Content | 5 | All content is relevant to the task. The target reader is fully informed. |
Communicative Achievement | 4 | A good command of the conventions of a report is demonstrated. Complex ideas are communicated in an effective way, holding the reader’s attention with ease and fulfilling all communicative purposes.The style is appropriately formal throughout and the use of appropriate headings shows that a suitable format has been adopted. |
Organisation | 3 | The text is a well-organised and coherent whole that uses a variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns with flexibility although, in the final paragraph, a range of cohesive devices is somewhat lacking |
Language | 4 | A range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, is used effectively and precisely. The use of grammar is often sophisticated, fully controlled and completely natural. |

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CPE Example Report: Television
An international media magazine is investigating how television covers important national events such as sporting events or anniversaries. You have been asked to write a report on how television in your country covered such a big national event. Your report should briefly describe the event, assess the quality of the coverage and explain the extent to which you think it helped create a mood of national celebration.
Write your report.
National Event
The televised national event to be dealt with in this report is the royal wedding that took place in London in 2011. It was the wedding of Prince William to Kate Middleton. The ceremony took place in Westminster Abbey and was a spectacular occasion with plenty of ancient gilded carriages, men in uniforms hung with medals and ladies in extravagant hats. The British media makes a great fuss of such occasions and there had been considerable press interest in the event from the moment the couple’s engagement was announced.
On the day there was TV coverage of the wedding from start to finish. The public saw the streams of guests arriving. They could watch the groom nervously talking to his brother before the ceremony. They were shown the bride leaving her central London hotel. They saw the entire ceremony and the procession afterwards. The TV coverage could be said to have made the public feel as if they were in a sense wedding guests themselves.
In general, TV did help this wedding to create a mood of national celebration. There was so much on TV in the days leading up to the wedding that many people were tired of it before it had even begun. However, once the ceremony itself started it was hard not to be drawn into it. This was a royal wedding but it had an ordinary feel to it somehow. Despite the cameras, the central figures appeared relaxed and made their vows without faltering. They giggled slightly as the groom struggled to get the ring on his bride’s finger. It felt less stiff than previous televised royal weddings perhaps because the bride was a middle-class girl from a family that it was easier for most people to relate to than had usually been the case with royal spouses. Viewers were moved by this wedding and the way it symbolised – as all weddings do – love and hope.
Subscale | Grade | Commentary |
Content | 5 | All content is relevant to the task and there is plenty of detail. The target reader would therefore be fully informed. |
Communicative Achievement | 4 | A good command of the conventions of the report is demonstrated, although in places the style is quite informal and there are no headings. However, the opening section starts with a clear statement of what is to be covered in the report; this could have further helped the reader had mention been made of the contribution of media coverage to a mood of national celebration |
Organisation | 3 | The text is a well-organised and coherent whole which uses a variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns with fl exibility (In general, Despite, However, perhaps because) although the middle section lacks much in the way of cohesive devices |
Language | 5 | A wide range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, is used with fluency, precision, sophistication and style. The use of grammar is also sophisticated, fully controlled and completely natural. In fact, there were no errors at all, not even slips. |
CPE Example Report: Documentary
You are employed as a researcher by a television company that is preparing a documentary about the social problems in your area or country. You have been told to write a report on the problems that you think the programme should cover. Write your report, listing the problems and describing the causes and consequences of them which you think the programme should highlight.
Write your report.
I think that the programme should focus on these three main areas:
Crime is a big problem that has been rising in recent times. There has been a big increase in the number of burglaries and also in muggings on the street. Some people seem to think that, if they haven’t got as much in life as they want, they can just take it from somebody else. As a result, a lot of ordinary people are fearful and a lot of victims of these crimes are permanently affected.
A lot of youngsters seem to feel bored, alienated from society or cynical about life. This leads some of them to turn to crime, for example in the form of hooliganism. Vandalism is widespread and we can observe the results of that in many places. Besides causing a lot of damage, this makes a lot of people worried about the future of society. The only way to turn this situation around is to try to prevent these young people to continue to have such negative attitudes by showing them how they can make a positive contribution to society. They need to realise that doing so will make them feel better about themselves.
Whether it’s because of inadequate education or just unfortunate circumstances, unemployment leads to several problems, such as debts, depression, crime, etc. Unemployment creates a tense and agitated home environment. This affects children in a most destructive way. Children need to
feel safe. Their schoolwork and social development will suffer.
Subscale | Grade | Commentary |
Content | 4 | The report fully covers the areas required in the question, since it lists three social problems and discusses both the causes and the consequences of them. The reader would be completely clear as to the points made by the writer. |
Communicative Achievement | 4 | The register is appropriately neutral and the format is entirely appropriate, with a heading for the report and three clear sections with clear headings. |
Organisation | 4 | The report is very well-organized, with each section providing a clear description of each problem and a brief analysis of its causes and consequences. The linking is accurate and appropriate. |
Language | 4 | There is some good use of vocabulary and structure. There is only one error. |
CPE Example Report: Sports Camp
You have recently worked as a volunteer, coaching teenagers at a sports camp designed to encourage young people to take up new sports. The organisers have asked you to write a report for the website. You should briefly describe your responsibilities as a coach for two different sports. You should also evaluate how valuable the sports camp was for teenagers overall and recommend how it could be improved in the future.
Write your report.
The purpose of this report is to present what we offer in two of the sports in our camp, assess the impact on the participants and recommend further improvements. I am writing in my capacity as a volunteer coach in cycling and hiking.
Cycling & Hiking Coaching
My main coaching duties for both cycling and hiking, revolved around two aspects: fitness and safety. The participants were given extensive dietary guidance regarding the appropriate intake of nutrients and calories for at least one week before any sporting event as well as crucial tips regarding the proper hydration and fueling of their body during any cycling race or hiking expedition. Great emphasis was, also, placed on safety gear like helmets, knee pads, hiking boots and the indispensable first-aid kit that should always be readily available.
Enjoyable today – Beneficial for a lifetime
This is the third year I have volunteered in these two sports and I am proud to say that the feedback from both children and parents has always been enthusiastic. The experience they gain stretches beyond these two sports activities. The young athletes learn how:
- to respect the limits of their body,
- to fend for their dietary needs and
- to offer basic first-aid help in an emergency
On top of all these, they become initiated in two sports that can accompany them for the rest of their lives since walking and cycling are mild activities appropriate for all ages.
Further improvements
First and foremost, the sports camp could augment its impact on society by making its courses more affordable. Special discount packages for family members, as well as reduced prices for kids with unemployed parents, would definitely result in a significantly increased turnout. Moreover, brief weekend activities should be established. They could act as a follow-up throughout the year so that the children would have the opportunity to revise what they learned in the camp and thus consolidate their new habits.