It is difficult to find practice tests to prepare you for the Cambridge exam because of the huge number of books and materials scattered on the internet.
If you choose too simple materials, you won’t make a progress. On the other hand, if we don’t understand every other word, will quickly exhaust and discourage us.
What we can offer?
We provide you with our online preparation platform with a huge set of practice online tests, accurately representing the Cambridge test structures:
- We allow you to do the exercises from the individual parts of the exam: Listening, Reading, Use of English, as well as Writing and Speaking.
- You can either try to take the entire practice test or focus only on specific parts you don’t feel comfortable with.
- After each exam part, you can check whether your answers are correct, and your progress will be presented in a chart according to the official Cambridge score.
- Our online platform contains advice and instructions which help you to pass the exams without unnecessary effort and get your dream certificate.
- In our training zone, you will find grammar, useful tips, exercises and more.